InRunner's LifebyDavid Liira, Kin.A 10-Minute Leg Workout for Runners Using Nothing but a ChairThis will build strength and power like nothing else!May 31, 20241492May 31, 20241492
David Liira, Kin.A Kinesiologist’s Guide to Getting Abs of Steel in 5 MinutesThis is how you do minimal work for maximum health benefits!Jun 26, 20245145Jun 26, 20245145
InRunner's LifebyDavid Liira, Kin.5 Ways To Improve Your Running Form…Without RunningScience-backed tips to build speed and strength with less effortJan 21, 2024263Jan 21, 2024263
InRunner's LifebyDavid Liira, Kin.5 Exercises That Will Test if You’re Safe To Start RunningThis short routine may save you from a major injury!Jan 10, 20241841Jan 10, 20241841
David Liira, Kin.3 Shocking Neck Exercises That Will Save You From Years of PainFollow this kinesiologist-approved routine for quick relief!Nov 15, 20232603Nov 15, 20232603
InRunner's LifebyDavid Liira, Kin.One Running Injury That Doesn’t Get Talked About Nearly EnoughIf you’ve had this type of foot pain, you must know this!Nov 8, 2023432Nov 8, 2023432
Tammer FaridHow I Make The Case For Low-Intensity Zone 2 Cardio Training To ClientsFor most people, it is a surprisingly tough sell to convince them that walking on a treadmill at an incline for 45min at a heart rate of…Jan 3, 20231183Jan 3, 20231183
InRunner's LifebyDavid Liira, Kin.Three Upper-Body Movements That Can Save All Runners a Lot of PainWhile many think it’s irrelevant, this training can transform your running!Apr 21, 20233324Apr 21, 20233324
David Liira, Kin.A Kinesiologist’s 5-Minute Core Blast for Complete BeginnersThere’s no better way to start investing in your health!Oct 21, 2023257Oct 21, 2023257
David Liira, Kin.The Secret Ingredient to Being Insanely Mobile Without TrainingEvery single one of us has access to it…Oct 18, 2023323Oct 18, 2023323
InRunning with DatabybarrysmythSix Lessons for Recreational Runners to Run Their Best MarathonActionable insights from a data analysis of 4 million marathons.Oct 11, 202399Oct 11, 202399
InRunner's LifebyDavid Liira, Kin.How To Unlock The Secret To Pain-Free RunningMost runners train hard but forget one crucial rule.May 10, 2023782May 10, 2023782
InBetter HumansbyZachary Walston, PT, DPT, OCSStronger, Faster, and Injury Free — Can the Nordic Hamstring Exercise Promote All Three?New research plus three variations to implement in your workoutsSep 21, 20213151Sep 21, 20213151
InRunner's LifebyDavid Liira, Kin.Danish Researchers May Have Invented the Best Plank Exercise EverThis simple modification will blow your mind and transform your running.May 16, 20231K11May 16, 20231K11
David Liira, Kin.The Top 5 Tips For Staying Athletic As You Get OlderThis is the key to keeping your agility, power, and strength!Sep 26, 20234494Sep 26, 20234494
InRunner's LifebyDavid Liira, Kin.Use This Brilliant Hack To Eliminate Tight Hamstrings ForeverThis is the easiest thing you’ll do all dayMay 25, 20235288May 25, 20235288
David Liira, Kin.It Takes Just 2 Minutes To Fix Your Poor Posture for GoodAre you willing to do this one thing that everyone else skips?Jun 30, 20234463Jun 30, 20234463
InRunner's LifebyDavid Liira, Kin.The 3 Drills That Every Runner Should MasterThese will make you faster and stronger in no time!Jul 3, 20231192Jul 3, 20231192
David Liira, Kin.3 Functional Core Exercises Built for Every Season of LifeFrom pregnancy to senior living, these will save you big time!Aug 21, 2023193Aug 21, 2023193
InRunner's LifebyDavid Liira, Kin.A Kinesiologist’s Guide for Older RunnersYour handbook for staying happy and healthy for years to come.Aug 31, 202388711Aug 31, 202388711